Use the Google Now Backgrounds as Your Wallpaper With This App

Google Now WallpapersGoogle Now Wallpapers

Been looking for an easy way to bring those Google Now backgrounds to your homescreen? An app called Google Now Wallpaper lists them out as little cards and then you simply tap and apply which one you want. A feature that makes it exceptionally neat is that depending on the time of day, it will automatically switch to the evening and then night time versions as well. 

All of your cities and landscapes are there just like in the actual Google Now app. There is San Francisco, Austin, New York, Seattle, etc. And awesomely enough, both versions (an HD version and non-HD version) are both completely free on Google Play.

Note: The apps are currently a little buggy when going back and forth through different wallpapers, but it does work. Just don’t be alarmed if you experience a force close here and there while selecting which wallpaper you want.

Play Link: Regular | HD

Via: XDA

This post was last modified on January 4, 2020 5:10 pm