Video: Hands-on With Paranoid Android’s HALO Feature


Paranoid Android’s HALO feature is currently the talk of the custom ROM town. Acting as a “Chat Head on steroids,” you can get system-wide notifications popped up in a fully-functional chat bubble for easy access and management. It works for any app no matter where you are throughout your device. If you are playing a game and get an email, you can easily pop up the bubble, reply, then get back to gaming. No need to leave the game. It’s pretty sweet. 

With all of that said, there is still some work to be done. For example, the ability to manage multiple notifications simultaneously would be helpful, as well as the ability to re-size the HALO. These are alpha builds, so who knows what else we can expect from this extremely talented team of developers.

To get Halo onto your device, download the ROM here.

This post was last modified on January 13, 2020 11:23 am