This Week in the Life of DROID: 5/3/2013

DL MiniDL Mini

What a week it has been, full of good times and great news. For starters, we got through episode 23 of the Droid Life Show, I gave my official opinions on the HTC One in a follow-up review to our first official review for the device, we featured volume 12 of the DL Q&A Sessions, and lots more. If you are a custom ROM kind of person, definitely give the Paranoid Android “Halo” video a watch as well. Definitely worth everyone’s time.

If you missed any of this week’s highlights, we have them below.

Have a fantabulous weekend, folks!

Cheers to +Deth Becomes You for the custom mini!

This post was last modified on January 13, 2020 8:38 am