Google Left Glass Unlocked Intentionally, Wants You to “Do Some Crazy Sh*t With It”

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After word got out late last week that Google Glass was “unlocked” and “rooted,” a Googler took to his Google+ page to shed some light on the subject. As he points out, the folks that have Google Glass in their possession right now paid a very hefty price to be so fortunate. Each unit cost $1500, so in Google’s eyes, the device should be easily unlocked and hackable. 

Stephen Lau, a Glass team member, put it rather bluntly in saying, “we intentionally left the device unlocked so you guys could hack it and do crazy fun shit with it.” Here is the full message he posted on Friday.

Not to bring anybody down… but seriously… we intentionally left the device unlocked so you guys could hack it and do crazy fun shit with it.  I mean, FFS, you paid $1500 for it… go to town on it.  Show me something cool.

Gotta love those Googlers.

Via: +Stephen Lau