LG to Introduce Smartphone With Flexible Display in Q4 of 2013

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In a recent call on LG’s financials, the company’s vice president of mobile, Yoon Bu-hyun gave word that we should start to expect something major from LG. According to Yoon, LG is hard at work to create a smartphone with a flexible OLED display, much like we saw as a prototype from Samsung during this year’s CES. They even gave us Q4 as their deadline, so start marking those calendars. 

I recall last night on the DL Show that I mentioned we should pay more attention to LG this year and this basically confirms my statement. It’s good to have as many competitors thrown into the mix of top devices as possible, at least from a consumer’s standpoint.

From what we have seen about flexible displays, does this move in the mobile space interest you at all?

Via: The Verge | WSJ

This post was last modified on January 4, 2020 11:45 am