Verizon Approves Samsung Stratosphere Update to Build Number i405.GC1, Still Not Ice Cream Sandwich

Samsung Stratosphere UpdateSamsung Stratosphere Update

Well, when was the last time we mentioned the Samsung Stratosphere? It’s been a little bit, but with Verizon approving an update for the device this morning, we thought maybe the time had finally come for this poor soul to receive some Ice Cream Sandwich love from Big Red. The short answer is “nope.” 

This update to build number i405.GC1 is to improve call quality, correct IMAP implementation, remove old bloatware applications, and improve the My Verizon app among other things. If a Stratosphere is currently in your pocket or sitting next to you on your desk, expect the update to roll out sometime this week at the earliest.

Let’s be real – if it doesn’t have ICS by now, it’s not coming anytime soon.

Via: Verizon

This post was last modified on April 23, 2013 1:27 pm