More Evidence Pointing Towards Google Now Coming to a Desktop Near You


The internet is buzzing today thanks to some digging through test code from Google that revealed multiple references to Google Now. It seems as if Google is ready to take Now to the primetime by featuring it on their home page. As it is the code is pointing towards allowing you to set your Work and Home location so it can give you information on travel times, food places and traffic problems around you. 

Most of our readers have experienced Google Now by this point (or know that we love using it around here), but there are people out there who haven’t gotten into the awesome service yet. Bringing it to the Google homepage could not only be useful for tons of people, but boost Google’s page views through the roof once this goes live.

Would you set as your homepage for your browser if it featured Google Now?

Via: Google System Blog

This post was last modified on April 22, 2013 1:27 pm