Video: This is Why Facebook Home Sucks, at Least for Now

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I know this may be hard to believe, but I actually did find some time to spend with Facebook Home over the last 24 hours. As someone who self-admittedly is far from a lover of the social network, I still felt it necessary to give it a shot as the release is a bold move by Facebook in general as it relates to Android. This isn’t a fork, but it’s Facebook telling you that you should live and breath Facebook at all times, especially on your phone. The rest of what you know as a phone is not as important as the status update of your least favorite classmate from 11th grade Biology – at least to Facebook.

So what do I think? Boy, does it need a lot of work. The video below sums it up nicely. 

This post was last modified on January 13, 2020 11:21 am