Half of Instagram Usage Now Made Up of Android Users

instagram androidinstagram android

One year after launching on Android to a not-so-warm-welcoming from iOS users, Instagram for our favorite platform now accounts for half of the photo-sharing app’s usage. Since launch, we have seen the service hit the 1 million download mark within a day, reach agreement to be acquired by Facebook for $1 billion, and momentarily scare the hell out of users after changing up their ToS. It’s been an event-filled year, but one the company will likely consider a success. Thus far, they have managed to stay true to their roots even though they are owned by one of the largest tech companies in the world.

For me personally, Instagram is still the only social network I use on a regular basis outside of work. Simple square pictures, in my opinion, are so much more enjoyable to consume on a casual level than the personal status updates and political/religious/opinion link sharing that floods the likes of Facebook or Google+.

What about you, is Instagram a part of your life one year in?

Via:  Instagram