Report: Verizon to Carry HTC One After All, Late Thanks to Extra Testing

htc one officialhtc one official

A report out of AllThingsD this morning suggests that Verizon will end up offering the new flagship HTC One after all. Unfortunately, according to their sources, it won’t be available anywhere near launch on the other three big U.S. carriers as Big Red is taking their sweet time testing out the device. (Please don’t be surprised by that idea.)  It could take one or two months for VZW to finish up and get it ready for launch. 

This shouldn’t surprise anyone, as we have seen the HTC6445LVW already appear in testing and at Bluetooth SIG. This device, also known as the “DLXPLUS,” has been rumored to have identical specs to the One, we were just expecting Verizon to brand it with DROID or something else.

For HTC, this is quite the victory. Verizon is too large of a carrier in this country to not have your flagship phone on. Assuming it does end up as the HTC One on Verizon, this should help in a major way with marketing and also with sales numbers.

It may not be enough to compete with Samsung and the Galaxy S4, but it can’t hurt.

Via:  AllThingsD