Video: Hands-on With the Ubuntu Touch Preview Build

Ubuntu BuildUbuntu Build

Well, I finally got Ubuntu Touch booted up on my Nexus 10, so here is a brief hands-on with the world’s newest mobile OS. This is a developer preview build and is intended for use only by developers or hardcore enthusiasts. There are barely any working applications and in terms of being a “daily driver,” you would be better off looking elsewhere. What I will say is that Ubuntu Touch is actually quite gorgeous and I could really see myself using it down the road once it becomes more functional/stable. 

As you will see in the video, I ran into a little issue where backing out of an app is somewhat of a challenge. Like we have mentioned a few times already, this is an extremely early preview build of what we can expect to see down the road from this OS.

If you feel like trying out Ubuntu on your Nexus device, check out our instructions, right here.

This post was last modified on January 13, 2020 11:11 am