NVIDIA Constructing New Santa Clara Campus, Wanting to Embody “Imagination”

This month, NVIDIA is turning 20. After taking a look around their offices, they realized that the company has outgrown their current building located in sunny Santa Clara.  Today on their official blog, CEO Jen-Hsun Huang, announced they have big plans on their next residence. In the post, they show off the design for their new headquarters, saying that the new building will be “the symbol, the physical manifestation, of our vision for the company.” 

Constructing right across the street from their old building, NVIDIA based the design of their new complex off of triangles, “the fundamental building blocks of computer graphics.” This new building announcement comes hot off the heels of Samsung’s new Silicon Valley headquarters, which came after Apple’s last year. Seems like if you want to be a well respected tech company you have to have futuristic looking digs.


This post was last modified on January 4, 2020 10:42 am