Gangnam Style is First Video in History to Hit 1 Billion Views

baby v gangnambaby v gangnam

Not Android related, but it’s worth mentioning that Gangnam Style is the first video in history to hit 1 billion views on YouTube. Not 1 million or 500 million – 1 billion. The previous record holder was Justin Bieber’s “Baby,” which as you can see from the chart above, can’t even compare to what Tim’s boy PSY was able to accomplish. In 5 months, this video hit 1 billion, while it took Bieber over two years to crack the 750 million mark. That’s nuts.

I don’t know if we should be ashamed as a society or pat ourselves on the back. Either way, here is the video one more time. 

Via:  YouTube Blog

This post was last modified on January 13, 2020 10:59 am