Google Maps Available for the iPhone, Making Fun of Apple Now Slightly Less Fun

Well, it was fun while it lasted. While that whole iOS Maps fiasco was something the world had more than a good time with, Google has gone ahead and ruined some of our fun. Google Maps, with full turn-by-turn navigation, is now available for the iPhone. This new version of Maps has been “designed from the ground up to combine the comprehensiveness and accuracy of Google Maps with an interface that makes finding what you’re looking for faster and easier.”

The fun isn’t completely over, though. In Google’s announcement, they make sure to indirectly point out all of the flaws in Apple’s own maps product. By mentioning that Google Maps stores 80 million businesses and points of interest, has Street View, public transportation info, and updates tens of thousands of times daily to help with accuracy and comprehensiveness, this is Google’s way of saying, “This is how you do it, suckers.”

Via:  Google Lat Long

Cheers Adam, Will, John, Garrett, and Albert!

This post was last modified on July 24, 2020 8:23 am