Today, the makers of Shadowngun: DeadZone, a game that I can’t get enough of lately, pushed out the first major update to the beta. Major enhancements to performance, gametype edits such as taking away turrets in Deathmatch, and the adding of fall damage are just a few things off the huge list of changes.
List of changes:
- Fixed several bugs
- Performance optimalization
- Fixed lagging
- Added throwing grenades during the movement
- Added fall damage
- Mines and Sentry Guns are disabled in Deathmatch mode now
- Improved ragdolls
- Fixed radar in Zone Control mode
- Balanced weapons
- Improved team balancing
- Added special effects for spawning
Over-powered weapons and equipment are some of the things that could kill a game like this, but Madfinger seems to be staying right on top of it all and making sure their users remain happy. If you haven’t played me yet, come find me in a lobby and get whooped.
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