Video: First Look at Chameleon for Android

Chameleon for Android, a Kickstarter funded tablet home replacement app, has entered into its beta stage, which means that the 7,000 people that pre-ordered it will soon get an invite to start testing. Others have been hand-selected to test the app, a group that we were lucky enough to be a part of.

As is customary around these parts, we like to take apps that have generated a substantial amount of buzz for a test drive to see if they can live up to the hype. While this is still beta, the Chameleon team is confident enough in it to at least let people start to play with it. 

It’s definitely feeling good, aside from a couple of minor bugs that shouldn’t be hard to fix. The quickness is there, the few widgets that are available look good enough, and some of the features like the scrollable app dock at the bottom are solid features. We are seeing some limitations as far as widgets, wallpapers and folders go, however, the only direction for Chameleon to go from here is up. There is definitely potential to be reached. Since this is a beta, this would be the time to start requesting features and reporting bugs.

To give you our first impressions on it, we tossed together this video.

This post was last modified on January 13, 2020 10:27 am