MotoActv Golf Update Build 6.6 is Available Now, Quick Hands-on

MotoActv Golf Update Build 6.6 is Available Now, Quick Hands-on

The “Golf Edition” update for the Motorola MotoActv that we were told would be avaialble during the first week of April is now here. The update itself installs in just a few minutes, bringing your device up to build 6.6 (not the 6.5 that was reported yesterday). Once you have it loaded, you should find “Golf” under your activities list. When chosen for the first time, you will need to download courses for your location (by state), head to a golf course, and let the GPS do the rest of the work.

While in a round, you can swipe left or right to view hazard distances, set the location of your ball, update your scorecard, and more. From a golf GPS perspective, this actually looks pretty impressive. And with the sun out in Portland today, I’m getting the itch to go try this out. While the price may have been questionable upon release of the MotoActv, this golf update (at least at first glance) appears to be nothing by good.

To download, plug your MotoActv unit into your computer and tell it to check for software updates. If you own the 8GB MotoActv, you need to download this before April 16. After that, it will be a paid add-on. 16GB MotoActv owners do not have a time restriction. 

Full release notes.

This post was last modified on January 10, 2020 2:37 pm