Apple Co-Founder Steve Wozniak Receives The Galaxy Nexus Before You

Apple co-founder Steve ‘The Woz’ Wozniak stopped by the Googleplex and walked away with a Galaxy Nexus and an Ice Cream Sandwich t-shirt. Yes the man who founded Apple with Steve Jobs is currently playing with a brand spanking new Galaxy Nexus – I will let you take that in for a moment.

Ironically, Woz usually waits until release day for the newest iPhone device and tends to Segway to the front of the line. However, he is receiving a device many people want, even before it is officially announced (stateside at least). This says a lot about Android and Ice Cream Sandwich, only furthering our anticipation for the actual release of the Galaxy Nexus. Lastly I am left wondering how Steve Jobs would have felt about this? Try to keep it classy and sound off in the comments below.

Via: Google+

This post was last modified on July 2, 2013 11:26 am