UK Galaxy Nexus Receives First Official “Unbagging” Video

You can be certain once the Galaxy Nexus hits US shores and the tech world receives their G-Nex boxes, there will be many unboxing videos for everyone to watch. Well over in the UK, we have the first unofficially official “unbagging” video. That’s right, this G-Nex came straight out of a postal mailer. A member of Samsung Mobiler, a program that sends devices out early for people to review, received said lovely package containing the G-Nex. As I go sign up for the program, watch the video and start thinking about how less patient you are becoming while we wait for a release date.

There is also of setting up the face-lock feature video which shouldn’t be missed. 

Via: Phandroid

This post was last modified on January 13, 2020 10:18 am