Galaxy S II for Sprint Hits FCC with WiMAX, Device Sales Pass 5 Million Globally

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A tech analyst excited all of us yesterday when he predicted that the Samsung Galaxy S II could land on Verizon before any other carrier.  With Sprint’s version now passing through the FCC though, are we still willing to make any bets on that?  We definitely know that the SGS2 is headed to the states some time in August and likely through all 4 major carriers thanks to JK Shin, but an FCC filing is usually a good sign of what’s to come.  The good news is that the Sprint version will be 4G and run on their WiMAX network, so let us hope that Verizon finds a way to force an LTE chip into theirs without turning the device into a tank.

And in related news, the device itself cruised over the 5 million global sales mark in just 85 days without a U.S. device in sight.  The press note below is a little confusing and mentions 10 million, but we’re thinking they are referencing the “turning point” as being the half-way mark to 10 million.

Samsung Galaxy S 2 Passed the Turning Point of 10 Million Global Sales

Galaxy S 2, which is becoming a global smart icon, finally passed the turning point of 10 million global sales. Samsung Electronics announced on July 27 that its flagship smartphone Galaxy S 2 has marked the accumulated global sales of 5 million units only 85 days (on July 22) after its release.

Galaxy S 2 reached the turning point 40 days earlier than its predecessor: Galaxy S did it in 125 days. Galaxy S 2 acquired 56% of the entire mobile phone market in Korea last month, and it has topped the mobile phone market share in more than 10 European countries, including the UK, France, Germany, Italy and Spain. And it seems Galaxy S 2 is ‘still hungry’ as it is now poised to spread its global sensation into other regions like Latin America and China

Getting excited yet?

Via:  FCC, Wireless Goodness, Phandroid



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