Google Wallet and Offers Announced, NFC Payments are the Future

Google is on stage in NYC and just announced their Google Wallet and Offers services.  We’re watching it right here.  

  • Google Wallet and Offers combined, allows you to purchase goods from groceries stores, clothing shops, etc. all without ever swiping a physical credit card.  All of your information is stored securely on your phone and then transacted using the built-in NFC chip.
  • The first partners are Citi, Mastercard, First Data and Sprint.
  • First retail partners are Macy’s, American Eagle, Subway, Noah’s Bagel, and more.
  • The first cities are New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago and Washington, D.C.
  • Not launching until this summer on the Nexus S 4G.
  • The app:

  • And Google Offers (starting in Portland and NYC):

  • A walk-through of the Wallet app:

  • Google Wallet site is live.
  • You can shop for items online, find an offer and send those directly to your Wallet app:

  • You can even include all of your rewards cards from retailers:

  • They demoed a transaction at American Eagle – signatures are still required.  No wallet though!
  • Talking heads up now…
  • Who wants a Nexus S 4G?


This post was last modified on January 10, 2020 9:43 am