New CM7 Nightly Allows Users To Deny Permissions For Applications

Lots of people are always griping about the permissions applications ask for off the Market. Whether it be to read the phones ID, need full network access, or to send SMS messages. Sometimes, most of these applications do not need these permissions to work properly, so in comes the CyanogenMod Team and their big brains providing a solution.

Instructions are as simple as making Jell-o. 

Tebee on Reddit explains –

To use it:
CyanogenMod settings / Permissions / Enable management
Applications / Manage applications / tap on permissions to revoke
Revoked permission are marked by a strikethrough.
Revoking and reenabling permissions is applied instantly. Though, at least reenabling “Network communication” requires a reboot (revoking still works instantaneously).

Just know, if you run into any problems, it isn’t the Developers fault. Be sure to make backups of your apps before trying because we would hate for you to run into any problems. You can get the new nightly by going through your Premium Rom Manager App or by visiting the Team Douche Mirrors Page. Have fun.

Via: Phandroid

Cheers Michael!

This post was last modified on May 23, 2011 1:17 pm