HTC Thunderbolt Training at Verizon Starts Today (Updated)

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Verizon started training their employees today (yesterday at some stores) on the HTC Thunderbolt and from the sounds of it, things are still on track for mid-February.  HTC reps still aren’t ready to confirm a date yet, but they were willing to mention next month as the current target.  They also got up in front of the VZW reps and demoed simultaneous data/voice on their 4G LTE network, which our guys can’t stop talking about.  And reps were allowed plenty of hands-on time with the device, which means we’re getting that much closer.  February is 5 days away.

Update:  Our guy says that somehow during the demo, data/voice was done simultaneously over 3G as well.  We were skeptical at first to believe it, but Phandroid received a similar tip that it may be some new type of radio.  If that’s the case, AT&T may be ridiculously screwed as that was one of their last arguments for keeping i*hone users.

Cheers Spaniard!



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