Anyone stuck in the office today while the opening matches of the World Cup are going on? My inbox is telling me that at least a few of you are! So Verizon, finally launched their V CAST video app and most people’s initial impression was, “Really? $10 per month? $3 per day? On top of our data plan? You kidding?!?” A few of us though, realized immediately that this thing is actually pure gold. For $10 bucks this month, you can watch all the World Cup you want while attempting to remain productive in your cubicle. +1 right there.
And for those of you not into soccer or sports, this V CAST app also does full TV episodes, news clips, pop culture and quite a bit more. While this isn’t ground breaking or world changing, it is a nice option to have.
The app itself is free in the Android Market.
Huge thanks to @jamerson90 for forking out the $3 and capping all of these photos!
This post was last modified on June 11, 2010 9:47 am