
Update 9:26AM 4/19: Just wanted to update this post to let everyone know that we’ve heard from Wirefly and they’ve graciously explained the reasoning behind their decision to not have us included in their Android finalists category.  Basically it comes down to the fact that we only cover the Motorola Droid and that is completely understandable and sort of what we figured was the reason.

I want to thank them for considering a site as new as ours to begin with and look forward to joining the competition again next year. 

Well I guess the pages upon pages of votes from Droid Life readers was not enough to get us into the finals for the Wirefly Blog Awards Android category.  I’m not kidding either when I say PAGES upon PAGES.  Definitely disappointed by that, but what can you do?  We gave it our best shot right?

I definitely want to thank you all for voting though and making this what I would consider, the best An-Droid site on the planet.  It’s a joy to wake up everyday and have mini-chats with all of you.  Thanks again!

Good luck to those who made the cut!

(And happy hour can’t get here fast enough.)

This post was last modified on April 19, 2010 9:32 am