motorola decided to answer to the mounds of criticism they’ve had over the last few days by putting together a timeline of android 2.1 releases to their varied devices. while we were all aware that their devices would be receiving 2.1 at some point, we now have a better idea of when to expect it. well sort of…
Thank you for being a Motorola customer. We have heard the overwhelming feedback asking for details on Android software upgrades for various Motorola devices, and apologize we were not able to share information sooner. We’re hoping that you will find the below timeline helpful.Please note that we know you value having the latest and greatest technology on your devices. We are working very closely with Google and our carrier partners to bring you the most optimized experience on each of our smartphones powered by Android. We will continue to update the information below, regarding the timing and availability of software upgrades, and will provide additional details as we have them to share. We appreciate your understanding and continued support.
This page details plans for software upgrades only; other various routine updates will be delivered to optimize device experiences and these will be communicated separately when deployed.
Phone Model Timeline DROID by Motorola (USA) The DROID by Motorola over-the-air software upgrade is expected to roll out soon MILESTONE (Europe) Upgrade to Android 2.1 planned for Q1 2010 MILESTONE (Latin America) Upgrade under evaluation MILESTONE (Asia-Pacific) Upgrade under evaluation CLIQ (USA) Upgrade to Android 2.1 planned for Q2 2010 DEXT (Europe) Upgrade under evaluation DEXT (Latin America) Upgrade to Android 2.1 planned for Q3 2010 DEXT (Asia-Pacific) Upgrade to Android 2.1 planned for Q3 2010 Q1 = First Quarter of 2010
Q2 = Second Quarter of 2010
Q3 = Third Quarter of 2010The information contained herein is provided for information purposes only and is intended only to outline Motorola’s presently anticipated general technology direction. The information communicated is not a commitment or an obligation to deliver any product, product feature, software upgrade or functionality and Motorola reserves the right to make changes to the content and timing of any product, product feature or software release. The software functionality and features provided by a specific version of the Android operating system may vary by phone and manufacturer.
This page and the information on it is provided by the Motorola Media Team.
the link to this timeline was posted by another of motorola’s forum managers. no, not the guy that started the “oops” internet craze, but a new guy. here is his message…

sick of waiting for android 2.1? check out our running list of 2.1 applications that have been ported over to your motorola droid.
Cheers Chad!
This post was last modified on January 2, 2020 9:38 am