installing swype keyboard on motorola droid

heard about the new swype keyboard for your motorola droid?  here is how you can install it before it’s actually released!  and trust me, it’s worth it…

the directions:

1.  download and install the astro file manager from the android marketplace
2.  download this zip file.
3.  unzip that file, which will give you a file called “[mfhs]Swype-SwypeReference-WVGA854-trial-release.0.35.3959.apk”
4.  copy the apk file to your handset’s sd card
5.  on your android handset, go to settings > applications > and check the box next to “unknown sources”
6.  use astro to browse for the apk file on your sd card, install it.
7.  go to settings > language and keyboard. enable the swype keyboard.
8.  you should now be able to switch between the standard keyboard and the swype keyboard by tapping-and-holding on any text input field.
9.  and your done.

This post was last modified on December 30, 2019 12:46 pm