Sprint Greasily Announces “Unlimited Data for $20/Month” Plan

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This morning, Sprint announced a new “unlimited data” plan for $20 per month that “beats all national carriers.” Except, to no one’s surprise, this is actually just a 1GB plan and isn’t anything new or ground-breaking or special. 

I hate to come down so hard on Sprint, because T-Mobile does something similar with its current line of plans, where they sell you on 1GB, 3GB, or 5GB of data, but then refer to the plan as having unlimited. Thing is, they may be giving you “unlimited” data, it’s just that only that first 1/3/5GB are at good, LTE speeds. After you hit those caps, they reduce you to 2G speeds at an unlimited rate.

Sprint just comes off here as being a bit sneaky or greasy in that the headline screams “UNLIMITED” without mentioning that its really a 1GB plan.

I hate the race to the bottom.

sprint unlimited 1GB

Via: Sprint



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