Download: 25 Wallpapers From the OnePlus 2

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The OnePlus 2 may not arrive until August 11, but one of their lead OxygenOS designers just handed out the phone’s wallpapers ahead of time to “keep the hype up.” There are supposed to be 27 wallpapers in the bunch, but we’re only counting 25. Still, here are 25 free wallpapers that will probably look good on any device, not just the new OnePlus 2.

Below, we’ve put together a mini preview of the lot, but if you head through the download link, you can grab a .zip of all of the papers in full resolution.

You may not be interested in the OnePlus 2, but who can say “no” to hot wallpapers on a Saturday afternoon? 

Download Link

wallpaper_0507 everest hans iceberg moonshine

Via:  OnePlus



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