Verizon Responds to DROID X Screen Issues, Not Widespread

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There was a minor outcry for a “displaygate” after a few new Droid X devices started showing up online with flickering screens, but Motorola and Verizon actually have some class and have jumped all over the issue.  Apparently less than 1 in a 1,000 DX’s have run into screen problems, but no need to worry as the problem has been fixed…

“Verizon Wireless and Motorola are aware of a very small number of DROID X units that have experienced a flickering or banding display. Motorola has resolved the issue and is continuing to ship the phones. Any consumer who experiences a flickering or banding display should contact a Motorola customer support center or Verizon Wireless.”

Any of our readers experience the issue?  If so, were you able to get a replacement immediately or do you now have to wait a week or so for the next shipment?

Source:  Engadget



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